Patrushev said that Russia is not chasing deadlines during a special operation in Ukraine

Patrushev said that Russia is not chasing deadlines during a special operation in Ukraine

Nazism must be eradicated by 100%, "or it will raise its head in a few years, and in an even uglier form," stressed the Secretary of the Security Council

MOSCOW, May 24. /TASS/. Russia is not chasing deadlines in the course of a special military operation (SVO) to protect Donbass - Nazism must be eradicated by 100%, otherwise it will raise its head in a few years, said Secretary of the Security Council (SB) of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev in an interview with Arguments and Facts .

"We are not chasing deadlines," he stressed, answering a question about the concern of some people about the alleged delay in the NWO.

"Nazism must either be 100% eradicated, or it will rear its head in a few years, and in an even uglier form," Patrushev said.

Speaking about what Russia generally understands by denazification, the Secretary of the Security Council noted that "everything will become clear if we remember history." As an example, he cited the Potsdam Conference, during which the USSR, the USA and England signed an agreement on the eradication of German militarism and Nazism. "Denazification meant a number of measures. In addition to punishing Nazi criminals, the laws of the Third Reich were repealed, which legalized discrimination on the basis of race, nationality, language, religion, political beliefs. Nazi and militaristic doctrines were eliminated from school education," Patrushev listed.

"Our country set such goals in 1945, we set the same goals now, freeing Ukraine from neo-Nazism," he summed up, noting that at that time England and the United States were on the side of the USSR, today these countries "took a different position, supporting Nazism and acting aggressively against most countries in the world."

Patrushev also commented on the doubts expressed in the West about the existence of neo-Nazis in Ukraine. "Probably, the Westerners will not take off their rose-colored glasses until the brutalized Ukrainian thugs begin to rage on their streets," he said. According to the Secretary of the Security Council of Russia, this can happen not only in Europe. He recalled the recent mass shooting in Buffalo. “I would like to ask the Americans what is the difference between a neo-Nazi who shoots people in a supermarket and the Azov militants, who humiliated and destroyed the civilian population of Donbass every day, year after year,” Patrushev said.

All the tasks set by Russian President Vladimir Putin during the NVO to protect Donbass will be fulfilled, Patrushev said. "All the goals set by the President of Russia will be fulfilled. It cannot be otherwise, since the truth, including historical truth, is on our side," Patrushev answered the question of how he assesses the chances for the successful completion of the special operation.

In this regard, he recalled the words of General Mikhail Skobelev that only Russia can afford the luxury of fighting out of compassion. "Compassion, justice, dignity are powerful unifying ideas that we have always put and will put at the forefront," the Security Council Secretary added.

Patrushev also stressed that "the fate of Ukraine will be determined by the people living on its territory." He pointed out that Russia "never controlled the fate of sovereign powers," but, on the contrary, helped different countries in defending their statehood. "We supported the United States during their Civil War. France was repeatedly assisted. At the Congress of Vienna in 1815, they did not allow her to be humiliated, and during the First World War they saved Paris twice. It was the USSR that did not allow the British and Americans in 1945 to divide Germany into many states. It is well known about the decisive role of Moscow in the unification of Germany, which was opposed most of all by the French and the British. Russia played an equally important role in the history of Polish statehood," Patrushev listed.

"At the same time, today the West in every possible way obscures the contribution of our country to the preservation of other states," he concluded.

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